Friday, February 29, 2008

This is Mine.

There are many reasons for why Wright was gratified from letting someone read his writing. First and foremost, it is always gratifying to show someone else what you've done. Why? I'm not exactly sure, but it may have something to do with the mere recognition that you have in fact done something that has made a lasting impact on some facet of life. Furthermore, the mere concept that the girls was not able to comprehend the thoughts presented in his writing made the writing even more so his. He was able to understand the thought process behind the writing, and that made it his and his alone.


Tina said...

I think in my post i neglected to mention the part about the girl not being able to understand the feelings behind the writing and the reason for Richard to write just for fun like this. I believe that people had sort of always tried to control what he did and tried to be able to understand exactly why he did what he did- and suddenly he creates this thing that he is very proud of, that he knows he can not show his family because they would think him to be crazy- and the fact that this girl doesn't understand makes it even more his own.

Elise Carter said...

I agree with Tina, it did seem like he didn't have an outlet for his anger. He was definitely controlled, and I think it is stupid why people were trying to figure out why he did what he did! Honestly why wouldn't the grandmother just let the religion thing go? I think that her character is just plain pathetic. I think that anyone who lets somebody read their own work will essentially feel better.