Wednesday, October 10, 2007

First of the Presentations

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The first day of presentations didn't seem to bring as much dread as I initially thought it would (except maybe from me, and the fact that I can't read minds doesn't support my case either). I was expecting people to be cowering in fear of presenting (although this would have been proven futile) (as well as the fact as this is a gross overstatement). However, the people that did present on the first day did a remarkable job of staying focused on the point, maintaining composure, and presenting in a clear and direct manner. While it was obvious that some people were on the nervous side, it didn't necessarily carry over into the actual spoken portion of their speeches.

1 comment:

Nick Randle said...

Your speech on Wednesday was very good, Nick. You put a lot of emotion and enthusiasm into your presentation. That is a great trait to have when you are a public speaker. Your speech was helped immensely by your involvement in Big Brothers and Sisters. The personal experience you have with that organization gave your speech an extra push and put it at the top. I am glad that you shared your experience with us and I know that it probably took a lot for you to share it. The knowledge you have on the organization was helpful as well. The figures and your introduction caught my attention and kept me involved in your speech. I encourage you to keep up the good work and I know that I will promote Big Brothers and Sisters now, thanks to your speech.