Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Rippled Reflection (Post 21)

Contrary to the initial intent and purpose of this question, I do not find the image presented in this document to be much differed from that I have received in US history, as well as in some of my own personal research.  Let me start by saying that I do not blame jefferson for these racial prejudices directly, rather only mildly find fault in his semi-hypocrisy.  At this time period in history, it was generally accepted b the white majority that african americans were inferior, merely because of the color of their skin.  Jefferson was not intentionally racist, rather was going along with the notions of the time.  Let's face facts, the fact that he even suggested a removal of slavery (gradual or otherwise) made him somewhat better than those entirely dedicated to it.   Jefferson had his faults like any of us; it was his importance in relation to the founding of this country that has cast a shadom over his negative aspects and caused up to concentrate on his more patriotic actions.  

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