Thursday, October 11, 2007

"Strong Xandir... Strong Xandir..."

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First off, the title's a quote from my favorite TV show of all time, "Drawn Together."

The concept of self-reliance is such that people should rely on who they truly are, and believe in what's inside of them in order to attain success. In short, "believe in yourself and you can do anything."

Disney, thank you for distorting reality for generations. But seriously, The Lion King was great.

I can only start by saying that while this is a large part of attaining true success, it takes a lot more in order to attain success in the eyes of society as a whole (I like to delineate this with personal success, which is wherever the person finds they have achieved what they have always wanted to achieve). In the cut-throat world of corporate America, people will sometimes (often) do whatever they have to, step on as many subordinates as they have to in order to achieve the position in the corner office, the 6-figure annual salary, the 3-story house, 2 cars, and whatever niceties they so desire. Simply believing in yourself will seldom cut it. To acheive success in today's world, one must have proper education, credentials, legacies, and recommendations in order to be considered for a job with any sort of amount of prestige. Unfortunately, corrupt corporate society has no empathy for the common man.

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