Thursday, April 17, 2008


According to Mansfield, there are the two separate entities to men, that society has demanded remain separate. There is the side that is your stereotypical man; chivalrous yet unemotional. On the opposite end of the spectrum, there is your "Nancy boy." Your "Pansy," your "sissy". Of course, I speak of the men who are more in touch with their emotions. Because of the strict guidelines that society at large has placed upon the realms of "manliness," the type of men who show their emotions are typically shunned and derided because of their "unmanly" ways. It's tragic to think that the two sides cannot find some sort of even ground in the eye of the common man. It's sad to think that the man is reduced to an unfeeling beast of a being, while women are afforded an equally dehumanizing label of character.

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