Thursday, April 24, 2008

This is your captain speaking...

Dr. Wade Horn's analogy comparing married, straight couples to airplanes that almost always reach their destination helps to illustrate his point that straight couples are the most effective style of parenting teams. He groups all other types of couples into a category that is "significantly less successful." This is in and of itself incorrect, because it is not right to group injured jets with fully-functional turbo-prop airplanes. By this, I mean that you cannot group divorced/separated straight couples with perfectly healthy gay couples. In doing this, he is essentially saying that gay couples cannot work. As history has shown, they obviously can work, and in a good number of cases work out better than straight couples. In short, the problem with Dr. Horn's argument is that he bases the "correlation" of the outcome of children on the composition of the parents, rather than the condition of the relationship between the parents. I would find it excruciatingly hard to believe that a constantly fighting straight couple would produce a happier child than that of a typically happy gay couple.

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