Tuesday, October 21, 2008

An Immense Darkness. Roll Credits. (HOD 5)

The end of HOD is freaky. Let me start by getting that out there. Now, on to business.

In an ominous generalization about all of humanity, Marlow left me feeling generally deperessed and disheartened about the human race as an entity. The closing paragraph also made me glad to live in a structured society. Sure, an organized, structured, "cultured" society has its flaws, but after reading HOD, look at the alternative! I'll take unspoken yet mandated conformity over emaciated wispy darkness anyday. The fact that Kurtz could go from a model citizen to an empty shell of a person just because of exposure to an environment without moral or ethical boundaries is almost shocking considering one wouldn't necessarily give thought to such a topic. Furthermore, it is really only the environment combined with the slowly manifesting corruption of his compatriots that led Kurtz to such a consumed demise.
Gen. Walter E. Kurtz, Consumed in darkness.

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