Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Meat Is Murder! (Post 10)

In "A Letter to Jim," Rebekah Taylor tries to convince her friend Jim, with whom she obviously hasn't talked in a while, to become a vegetarian. I personally feel that while she does make a valid statement in her "bridge-building" attempt, that her entire argument is somewhat feeble on the whole, merely because she does not stick to her guns and maintain that vegetarianism is a superior choice. Taken as it is, however, i do agree with her statement that local-bought meat is more humane in that the animals were not suffering near the extent that they would be in a factory farm. However, I would have to rebut that statement as it is not as cost efficient in the long run, because in more cases than not, local businesses will tend to be more expensive. For the budget-minded individual, this is a major factor. While I personally do not eat meat frequently, I would probably visit a commercial outlet to get the food in the interest of my own bank account.

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