Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Health. Care. (Post 27)

Mark Bonicillo makes several good arguments for why the current employer-based system of health care insurance coverage should be changed. He effectively puts a human face on the trouble that thousands if not hundreds of thousands of hard-working Americans face: the fact that some working situations do not lend themselves to proper health care coverage. His suggestion that the responsibility of providing health care coverage be taken off the employer and placed onto the employee would lend itself to a greater generalized coverage that would be more available to the lower-end workers. More importantly, this system would work with our current free-enterprise system of commerce. Subsidies and replaced payment for workers in an effort to encourage the purchase of health care insurance would make universal coverage a more attainable reality.

Slight problem. How can one be sure that with this extra money, people will actually go and buy health care with it? Who's to say that they won't just go and "self-medicate?" As it stands, there are people working several jobs that allows them just enough money to be broke. If you give these people more money with the intention of self-provided healthcare, they may decide to use these new found funds elsewhere and really end up screwing themselves over once it comes time to go visit the doctor.

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