Wednesday, January 30, 2008

FCC Takes a Holiday

The question: Where is the line between artistic advertising and porn drawn?
The answer: There are so many lines due to varying perspectives that the entire gamut is nothing but a black box due to the infinite amount of lines drawn.

It is not the fault of any one entity in particular that debate rages over suggestive content in advertising and the questions of morality that follow as a result. Is it possible for everyone to accept a certain content limitation placed upon advertising? I would argue no, that essentially every printed media (or most any media) is bound to offend someone, and in this right it is virtually impossible for us to say where any advertisement has crossed the line (except for those that are so blatantly pornography that there is no other possible option but to label them as such), and because of this it is again virtually impossible for us to go back and say that the first amendment should not apply to a given situation when it comes into question. There are some that would argue that the very depiction of the female form is offensive. There are still others that would find a member of any given race being represented in advertising offensive. It is because of these sort of individuals that it is almost impossible to declare what morality is (and is not).

Photo Credit:

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