Friday, February 8, 2008

Welcome to Wal-Mart! Would you like a sticker?

One of the stores that I shamefully admit to visiting on somewhat of a regular basis is Wal-Mart (the armpit of all stores). The persuading begins from the minute you walk in the door, with the friendly, aged greeter who kindly welcomes you to Wal-Mart, and you can't help but think how much you'd rather be in a retirement home than stuck saying hello to hundreds of slobs each day. Although some really do like their job and take it seriously (honestly, how can you take the job of a Wal-Mart greeter seriously?), it is all part of an elaborate ploy to make you feel more relaxed and "at home" so you can take your time and walk through the hundreds of aisles browsing for crap you don't need (but, it's cheap crap so that makes it alright). Another part of the scheme to make you feel much more confident in the items that you know won't last 'till the edge of the parking lot is the showing of the Wal-Mart commercials on the Wal-Mark Closed Circuit TV. They show families telling how much Wal-Mart has improved the qualities of their social events (and by extension, their very lives), and you can't help but think, "How can Wal-Mart improve the quality of MY life? With this brightly colored plastic shovel and bucket? Why not. Who cares if it's the dead of winter, it's only $2.99!"

Photo Credit:

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