Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Awakening Ch. 25-29

This next group of chapters marks the the true beginning of Edna's affair (in the physical sense), and while I can somewhat understand where she is coming from, I would have to say that this group of chapters also marks the beginning of where I lose whatever respect i may have had for her at any point. The causes that have driven Edna to this point are a myriad of things; 1.) the oppressive society in which she lives (in which she feels tied down way too tightly, 2.) general boredom with her current situation (however good it may be financially and quite possibly realistically) C.) animalistical desires (need I say more?). As i mentioned in class, Edna doesn't know what the hell she wants. The biggest problem with this, however, is that she thinks she does. She wants to have freedom in her relationships, she wants to do whatever she wants whenever she wants, and she wants to have her image remain generally the same. She mentions that she would give up anything for her kids (except who she was). Two problems. 1.) Would she really? I mean, come on. It's one thing to say something, but I've seen no evidence to support that she ACTUALLY does love her kids. 2.) Who the hell is she, really? We don't know (other than a selfish bia (sry for using your word kriebs)) who she is, and frankly she doesn't either.

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